All submitted Research and Model/Programs must comply with the following absolute criteria:
- Must be conducted in at least one low- and middle-income country as per World Bank list. The Abstract Review Committee will also consider research and model/programs from high-income countries that target vulnerable populations (such as but not limited to Indigenous people, minority populations, refugees).
- The abstract should have a focus on child development/disability.
- All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English or Spanish.
- Abstracts must be submitted via IDPA Congress 2025 abstract system only.
- The presenting author must register for and attend IDPA Congress 2025.
- The presenting author must make sure that all co-authors are aware of and approve the content of the abstract before submission.
Priority Criteria:
- Priority will be given to Research and Models/Programs that have been conducted in more than one low- or middle-income country.
- Priority will be given to Research and Models/Programs where the first author is from a low- and middle-income country.
Rejection Criteria:
- Research and Models/Programs that have been conducted in high-income countries with non-vulnerable populations will be rejected.
- Abstracts that pertain to general child health/pediatrics topics without a child development/disability focus will be rejected.
- Abstracts presented as posters or oral presentations in prior IDPA Congresses will not be accepted for IDPA Congress 2025.
- Faxed or e-mailed abstracts will not be considered.